We are proud to announce that the French Government has selected Raydiall to be part of the “France Relance” initiative. Indeed, the government has rewarded our project! We can now develop High voltage connectivity solutions for Electric Vehicles & Charging infrastructures. Samy Sisaid, sous-préfet of Isère, visited Raydiall this week.
Who is Samy Sisaid ?
Samy Sisaid is the sub-prefect for recovery and transformation. He has a role in the particular economic context linked to the COVID-19 epidemic. Indeed, he is responsible for the animation and partnership follow-up of the recovery plan measures. In this way, he supports the prefectural team in the implementation of the Government’s priority reforms. Also, he participates in the transformation and simplification of public action.
What is France Relance ?
As stated on its webiste, the governement is fully mobilized to face the COVID-19 crisis. Indeed, it wishes to protect the country from the economic and social consequences of the epidemic. As a matter of fact, we all know the virus is still circulating… It is complicated for most of us and for the economic situation of our coutrny. However, we need to keep on living and to look to the future.
In this way, the Prime Minister had the will to amplify the efforts implemented with the support plan. Thus, he presented on September 3, 2020 the France Recovery Plan. This plan is a roadmap for the economic, social and ecological refoundation of the country. In a way, it is the result of a wide-ranging national consultation process. All of this was set up to learn the lessons of the crisis. The objective: to build the France of 2030.
With this in mind, the recovery plan intend to create new opportunities for young people, but not only! It aims to help the ones who wish to retrain or acquire new skills. Moreover, it should enable France, like Europe, to confirm its robustness and international attractiveness. But the recovery is also, and above all, societal. Solidarity, social and territorial. In fact, 36 billion euros have been allocated to the plan’s cohesion objective (youth employment, aid to the most disadvantaged and to local authorities, health care, etc.).
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